Saturday, October 4, 2008

I will have a life here…

I can see the light! As some of you already know from my insechit whining I have been studying for about a month. My company has requested that I start a Microsoft certification path. Why you ask, well because they are a “Gold” partner and that means two things. One, they get referrals from MS when a company contacts MS asking if there is a company they recommend that can do (what we do) and two, they get all the Microsoft software for free while we maintain the “Gold” status saving them bookoo bux! To be a “Gold” member a percentage of all developers have to be certified and when I hired on they were falling short this year so I agreed to help out. WTF was I thinking? I am in a new country working on starting a new life and here I have been studying nearly every day for the last couple weeks… To top it off my test is Monday and I have not been able to pass one of the practice exams. The stress is building! This is the first of potentially 5 exams to make it to the Enterprise Architect title. That’s not happening any year soon! Regardless, I am learning a shitload and at the same time most of it is getting used in my daily job, I’m crazy stoked that I’m not spending time learning something that never gets used.
To accomplish this feat of strength I need an office so I bought a table and took up a corner of the living room. I also need brain food so a shit load of ice cream has been consumed. This Ice cream contains Hokie Pokie’s which are tasty little chocolate covered honeycomb pieces.

I’ll bet you’ve had enough of that droll.

I went through some serious down times the last couple months missing many of you and the big dog! I think a lot of that had to do with this exam and shit weather every time I get some free time. Well things are perking up, I see the end to this test, it’s starting to warm up and my good friend Jen will be visiting in four weeks! Jen, I hope your as excited as I am. On top of that many of the things that I want to do require a car; this crux too will be mended in the next couple weeks. I’m not going to be able to get anything that would even compare to the Element; damn you Kate for taking him away from me.
Some of the things a Car will do for me, transport to some of the great MTB parks and trails that are just a pain to ride to ride to. Scuba and gear transport. And tramping weekends!

Come next week I’m also going to try and get on a sailing crew fro some races here in the harbor and at sea. BW has been riding me about this so I can help out on our outing in January in Auckland. I have to admit it seems like a NZ thing to do since around every corner is another bay w/ valet boat parking ;)

One more thing, I came across this American band called Animal Collective an alternative strange band but really fun to listen to and I think you should have a listen. If you want to sample let me know and I'll hook you up.

OK off for some drinks on the town before I ride and study some more tomorrow.

Robel out

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