Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Windy Road ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm ## years old!
For my birthday me and some friends went for a tramping trip to Tongariro. Friday night myself "Fast turn", Connor "The Navigator" and Marek "The Real Navigator" drove to Turangi... the long way so much for my navigator and thankfully the backseat driver, Marek, knew how to get us there via the windy road :D

Check out the track
Check out the pics

I'm going to try and add more links to things in this post. I have found it easiest to right click the mouse button when over a link and select "open in New Tab." Let me know if you would prefer I do something different.

We met up with Ali and Shawn in Turangi after heading the wrong direction after getting directions from Shawn to the meeting point a Shell/Burger King. Shawn's family has a bach (pronounced batch: a second home/cabin) between Turangi and Taupo. We brought the beer and had some good conversation. I knew Shawn from Ali's fancy dress party, remember the one where I was a gladiator! Anyway, when we rolled up and met at the BK Shawn said "I remember you, we dove together last weekend." Ahh yes I thought he looked familiar. He was doing his PADI Advanced course while I was doing my wreck specialty. NZ/Wellington is a smaller place than SLC yo!
Shawn was a cool cat and I'm hoping to get out diving w/ him in the next year.

We had some not so grand plans of being up and on the road to Mangatepopo Valley around 8am. Finally 10am rolled around and we were on the move :D We all piled into my car and made off for the trail.
The initial climb up to the south crater wasn't so bad but we were sweating for sure. This was nothing though as the climb to Mt Tongariro was steep as.

We had lunch and Ali said good by to Connor, this would be last time they will see each other for a long while, Ali held back but tears were still shed.

Shawn and Ali needed to get heading out because they were only doing the "Crossing," Mangatepopo to Ketetahi, and were not going on the overnighter with the boys. Come on Ali! j/k

We felt like we were being watched and my fingers were numb so we got moving. Conveniently, as we were passing over Tongariro there were ppl sitting on the ground looking like they were enjoying the cold!~ Freaks. Connor wandered over and found out that they were sitting on HOT dirt 8) a thermal vent was calling to my cold bones. Nice and hot on the bunz and fingers. We were on a pretty steep hill and I was a bit worried w/ Marek moving out over the edge but all was good. After warming up the race to the bottom was on!

Many many great view and some fun making another Sweet As sign but M needed to add an d an extra 'S' ;0

We covered many k's in 7 hours and by the time we made it to Waihohonu Hut I was spent! I had hurt both feet somehow and but I only cry'd a little. Dinner was made and we had some great views of the sun going down behind some clouds and Mount Ruapehu (Roo a pay hoo).

The hut was fantastic, gas stoves, a heater, lights and candles. There was a ranger in charge of the hut and took a couple of us out to set the possum traps. We were going to have possum for breakfast but we didnt' end up catching anything :(
That night we met a couple cool chic's from North Carolina and a uber tramper from Holland. We ended up drinking JD and Vodka while playing Gin hehehe.

We had another late start not getting out until 10 again. We caught the girls about mid day and ended up hiking the rest of the afternoon with them since they were going to take Connor with them and drop him in Taupo. These two goddesses ended up taking all three of us back to my car so we didn't have to take/pay and wait for a shuttle. Huge thanks!

I didn't shed a tear for Connor but I will miss the kid! Connor at 22 years old, has experienced so much and traveled shit loads more than I. Keep it up and I hope to tramps another path with you again.

1 comment:

tiegz said...

Rob, I'm going to be honest with you... your mountain biking pictures make me so damn jealous. NZ looks f'ing rad! Good to hear that you're enjoying it down there; sounds like it trumps Utah in many ways.