Sunday, August 3, 2008

NZ Bike Gods got word of my arrival

I had thought that I out tricked the bike gods by moving half way around the world, NOT! I have somehow gotten bad bike karma, I've done nothing to upset them unless they take offense to cursing?

I almost didn't get out of bed this morning due to my sore shoulder and general aches but there was something coming through my shades. It was different, white and bright. The sun does show its love here. Well I couldn't well sit in bed on the second day of sun in over 15 days so I decided to make give Mt. Victoria, Mt. Vic for short, a go.
This location is just up the hill from my flat so getting there took all but 5 min, sweet as! It was muddy, rooty and Rob wasn't impressed at all. This is supposed to be the location of a world cup race a few years ago, I must be in the wrong location... as I'm riding up a steep hill my bike stops and I tip over, no laughing please, turns out I had a link pop and get caught in the rear der. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't pull that off. This chain has less than 40 miles on it! What is it that I do or how I ride that makes brake at least 3 chains a season? I clean and lube them after every few rides and after every ride if they get wet or muddy, anyone got a clue?
I'm extremely skilled at chain fixing now and was back up and running in less than 4 minutes. Made it up the hill and was crossing a soccer or cricket field when some more popping started. I stopped and had a look to find the bugger.. Two more links about 6 inches apart had popped rivets, holy shit! As I'm changing them out in the middle of the marshy grass a lady approached and was nice to stop and chat. She asked where abouts I was heading and she told me not to even attempt. It was steep, muddy and generally not a good idea. So for the first time in my life I listened to a woman and turned to head home after 3 hours of climbing w/o much payout. The woman did affirm my suspicions that Mt. Vic had to have better trails and has offered to learn me a little in the next couple weeks. Sweet As Bro ;)

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